What You Will Require To Clean Your Headphones
So, how to clean over ear headphones? If you examine your cans thoroughly, you may also conclude…
…that it’s past time for new headphones. Before we get into the specifications of each type of headphone…
…there are a few prerequisites. While you may not utilize everything on this list, it is a fantastic…
…starting point and provides a great foundation for doing things correctly.
- Paper towels or a towel
- Toothbrush
- Tweezers
- Q-Tips
- More than 63 percent rubbing alcohol, diluted bleach, or hydrogen peroxide
- Soap for hands
- Gloves
- Glasses
Regardless of whether you’re cleaning over-ears, on-ears, or earbuds, the primary tools stay the same.
The correct equipment will thoroughly clean over ear headphones and eliminate any bacteria…
…or viruses that may be present. While rubbing alcohol or diluted bleach is readily removed from your hands…
…a stray drop in your eyes can cause major harm or at the very least discomfort. Please use caution and caution..
…while sprucing up your cans. After that, you should have an astonishingly clean set of headphones.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s get to the good stuff. We’ll begin with standard over-the-ear and on-ear headphones.
How To Clean Over Ear Headphones
Before you begin cleaning, gather everything you require. Depending on the type of your headphones…
…you should remove the ear cushions and stretch the headband as much as possible…
…to reach every nook and crevice. “Clean headphones” also refers to the absence of dirt…
…or filth within. Once the ear pads are removed, take your toothbrush and get to work. Brush away…
…as much bigger dirt and particles as possible. Keep an eye out for drivers; you don’t want…
…to accidently kick up dirt. Following that, use the tweezers to remove any remaining hairs or dirt.
After removing all of the large bits of debris, we may begin the disinfection process. Place your headphones…
…on the towel and get your preferred cleaning solvent. While hydrogen peroxide is effective, you may also use..
…diluted bleach or 63 percent alcohol, which is frequently suggested for viral killing. Avoid soaking the paper towel…
..or cotton ball in alcohol, as alcohol is incompatible with leather and plastic. Use only enough…
…to give your headphones a decent cleaning—there is no need to give them a shower.
Begin with the ear pads and work your way up to the headband to get a feel for the amount of pressure..
…required to remove debris. Working your way down to the ear cups, check your technique since…
…you’ll need to be more accurate as you approach the drivers.
Because most headphones are incompatible with liquids, avoid getting any liquid within the drivers. To simplify…
…place your headphones at a 90° angle and align the open drivers parallel to the floor. Now you may gently wipe them…
…and the liquid will be pushed away from the interior components by gravity. Please feel free to use Q-Tips…
…to reach any difficult-to-reach locations. Once you’re satisfied with the appearance of your old headphones…
…blot them dry with a towel or paper towel. As with Humpty Dumpty, you must reassemble everything.
Why You Should Clean Your Headphones
Of course, we’re not advocating disassembling your headphones for no reason; nonetheless, there are a few points…
…worth considering. For instance, a 2008 research discovered that filthy headphones…
…can act as a vector for disease transmission. If you share headphones with someone who has an ear infection…
…your chance of contracting it increases proportionately, and vice versa.
Additionally, continuous usage of headphones might raise the dampness in your ears, making them more bacteria-friendly.
Occasionally, they just fall to the floor, and contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a five-second rule…
…when it comes to germs. As soon as the buds touch the floor, they become covered in germs, which is…
…not something you want to put straight on your ears. In this blog, we also have…
…an article about over ear headphones under 700 that you might want to see.