Do Over Ear Headphones Damage Hearing
Therefore, do over ear headphones damage hearing? Unfortunately, yes. When you consider the human ear…
…it seems logical that it is not designed to deal with loud noises. The ear has evolved to hear extremely faint noises.
Why? It is a natural survival mechanism. Consider prey animals such as rabbits or deer. Their hearing is outstanding…
…which aids them in avoiding predators. Your ear evolved in a similar fashion. While it is not as sensitive as a rabbit’s…
…it is there to assist you in communicating and avoiding danger. In the natural world, you’re unlikely…
…to encounter really loud sounds, but rather quiet and delicate ones. This suggests that the human ear…
…was not developed to cope with high noise, but rather to detect soft noises. Thus, when we bring artificially loud sound…
…into our ears via over ear headphones or earbuds, we risk injuring them.
But, How?
Although your ear is a complex mechanism, sound is generated as a sensory reaction in your brain…
…as a result of the vibrating of small hairs within a chamber in your inner ear. Friction between…
…different surfaces creates movement in the air, which causes these hairs to vibrate in a variety of ways…
….resulting in a variety of sounds. Loud music strengthens these vibrations. If the vibrations…
…are too strong for an extended period of time, the hairs become unable to cope with the strain…
…and cease to function correctly. Two things can happen depending on how long you listened to music and how loud it was:
- The hairs may have been damaged and may have lost their sensitivity, but they will eventually return. This is why you may experience difficulty hearing after leaving a noisy environment, but your hearing will gradually return to normal. The hairs are clogged, but they will recover in due course.
- If excessive damage is sustained, the hairs become irreparable. They’ve lost their capacity to vibrate in response to sound and have become completely ineffective. This is when noise-induced hearing loss occurs. Your hearing has been permanently damaged.
How to Restore Hearing Damage Caused by Headphone Use
The most effective technique of treating hearing loss is prevention. Headphone hearing loss is entirely avoidable…
…and later in this article, we’ll discuss ways to minimize exposure without jeopardizing your musical enjoyment. However…
…if you, a friend, or a loved one are concerned that listening to music has already harmed their hearing…
…there are remedies available. Hearing aids are the most effective therapy option for severe hearing loss.
Hearing aids operate in a variety of ways, depending on the type you choose in consultation with an audiologist.
They all, however, do the same thing: they amplify what remains of your natural hearing capacity…
…allowing for a considerably broader spectrum of hearing. Many persons who have hearing loss…
…as a result of headphone use can regain normal hearing levels with the use of a hearing aid.
Other therapies, such as sound therapy, are available for lesser types of hearing loss…
…but hearing aids are the most effective approach to manage hearing loss and return to normal living.
How to Determine Whether You Have Hearing Loss as a Result of Headphones
You may display symptoms of hearing loss or see those around you exhibiting warning indicators Tinnitus…
…a persistent ringing in one or both ears, frequently asking someone to repeat what they’ve just said…
…and mishearing things are all common symptoms of hearing loss. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms…
…or have more evident evidence of hearing loss, such as noticeable difficulties hearing or partial deafness.,..
…the best approach to confirm your concerns is to have a hearing test.
In this blog, we also have an article about over ear headphones under 700 that you might want to see.