Why are my pc case fans not spinning? Case fans are a key component of your computer’s cooling system. They remove heat from the motherboard and CPU, keeping it cool and working properly. When a fan stops spinning, it may be because of a number of issues. If your PC case fans not spinning, here are some possible reasons why they might not be moving air anymore. In this blog, we also have an article about best gaming computer pc case acrylic that you might want to read about it.
A computer case, also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit, or cabinet, is the enclosure that contains most of the components of a personal computer.”
What is PC case
So what is a PC case? The answer to this question is simple – it’s the part of your computer that holds all the components inside. It’s also one of the most important parts of your desktop PC. PC cases can come in various shapes and sizes, with different designs and levels of durability. Depending on what you need from your case, you can choose from a variety of options available in the market. While there are many types of PC cases, let us focus on three main categories: Full-tower, mid-tower and compact PCs.
If you’re looking to build a gaming PC with heaps of personality, picking the best PC case to match your style and needs is a good place to start. Find one that shows off your aesthetic—be that simple and clean, or excruciatingly loud.”
Dave James, author from PCGamer.com
Full-Tower Cases
A full tower case is typically large and spacious, allowing for larger components like hard drives, optical drives, RAM and graphics cards. A full tower case usually has an external power supply unit which powers both internal and external devices. In most cases, a full tower case will be used for gaming or multimedia purposes because they have the room to fit extra hardware. Full tower cases tend to be more expensive than other models, but they offer better value for money.
Mid-Tower Cases
Unlike full towers, mid-towers do not provide space for additional hardware. Instead, they are designed as smaller alternatives to full-sized cases. They usually take up less space compared to a full tower while providing similar functionality. You can use them for either home or office use, depending on whether you want a quiet work environment or a loud entertainment system. Mid-tower cases tend to be between half and two thirds the size of a typical full tower case.
Compact Cases
While full and mid-towers are suitable for just about any purpose, some people prefer compact cases due to their small size. Compact cases are ideal for anyone who wants to upgrade their PC without having to buy a new desk. These cases are small enough to sit on top of a desk, making them easy to transport anywhere you go.
There are several factors to consider when choosing a PC case. Among these include how big you plan to expand your PC, how much space you want to devote to storage, how powerful you want your machine to be and if you intend to add audio equipment. All of these things are discussed below.
Why Are My PC Case Fans Not Spinning?
If your case fan is not functioning correctly, the following are the most likely causes.
- Inadequate Startup: If your computer has not started correctly, certain fans in the casing may not operate because they have not been supplied with sufficient electricity to start. As a result, the PC case fan will stop rotating.
- Dirty/Clogged Fan: If you are experiencing issues with the Front case fan not spinning or the Rear case fan not spinning, it is probable that they have accumulated dust and need to be cleaned due to being clogged. This is rather typical, since these are the locations where fans collect the most dust, and without a filter, they are prone to get blocked every few months or so, depending on your arrangement.
- Bios Issue: This problem occurs when the computer’s BIOS fails to identify or deliver current to the attached fans. It is recommended to do a BIOS reset and see if this restores the case fan’s functionality.
- Hardware Fault: If the fan has been damaged or exposed to moisture, it is very improbable that it would revert to normal operation. Given how inexpensive these fans are and how readily they can be changed with third-party ones, it is advised that you attempt to replace them to resolve this problem.
- Disconnection Issue: The majority of case fans are linked to the motherboard through a four-pin or two-pin setup, which is then powered by the PSU. However, some fans are directly connected to the PSU and need a four-pin connection. As a result, it is recommended that you inspect the wires entering and exiting the Fans and follow them to verify that they are linked to the correct slots on the motherboard or power supply.
- Circuit Issue: It is conceivable that the circuit on your motherboard that supplies power to the CPU fan or any other fan within the case has been fried or shorted out, resulting in the computer case fan not spinning. In this case, repairing or replacing the motherboard/circuit board should be the best course of action.