How to Find the Best Gaming Mouse for You?
The right gaming mouse is essential for success in competitive games…
…like first-person shooters and MOBA style games.
Gaming mice offer a lot more power and features than regular scroll mice.
Professional esports players are allowed to bring their own peripherals to tournaments…
…such as gaming mice and keyboards…
…since they are used to their own equipment and can give their best when using them.
You should first know the differences between a gaming mouse…
…and a regular mouse before looking at what to look for in a gaming mouse.
A few words from Audrey…
The mouse I just bought fits my hand very well.
The secondary trigger buttons are a bit of a reach, but they are still useful.
Although this mouse may not be suitable for those with small hands, it fits well in mine.
It has excellent quality, all the buttons are clicky and precise.
It isn’t too easy to click them, but they aren’t too firm either, even the bottom paddle switches.
Let’s get started…
The Difference Between A Regular Mouse and A Gaming Mouse
A regular computer mouse is the kind you find in an office or corporate setting.
Their main purpose is all-around use and they are not well-suited to competitive gaming.
There are several key differences between a regular mouse and a gaming mouse:
- Sensor : A gaming mouse uses optical or laser sensors, which are optimized for accuracy and high-precision gaming.
- User Customization : A gaming mouse can be customized to fit the user’s needs or playstyle, for example, with programmable buttons and adjustable weights.
- Durability: Since gaming mice go through a lot of wear and tear, they are usually designed to be durable. Typically, they’re constructed from high-quality plastics or very light metals like aluminum.
- Ergonomics : Game mice are typically shaped and sized in a way that suits the player’s grip style and provides comfort when used for extended periods of time.
- Reliability: As a result of the differences between sensors and the lack of customization in regular mice, a gaming mouse can be expected to perform consistently and reliably.
In addition to the differences described above…
…there are several other factors that influence a player’s decision…
…when choosing a gaming mouse; we will discuss them.
- Grip Type
- Sensor
- Polling Rate
- Wired vs Wireless
- Programmable Buttons
- Size and Shape
- Weight Customization
- Durability
- Cost
Here’s the main part…
How to Find the Best Gaming Mouse for You? 10 Things to Consider
1. Grip
Holding or gripping a mouse can be done in a number of ways.
A gamer’s choice of mouse depends on their playstyle and hand size.
It is important to know the size and grip of your hand…
…so that you can select a mouse that will maximize both comfort and performance for you.
The three most common grips are:
Palm Grip
Palm grips are typically relaxed grips in which the majority of your hand is in contact with the mouse.
Your index finger and middle finger rest flat on the mouse buttons.
A mouse is typically moved with the arm and shoulder, which can cause strain over time.
With this grip, accuracy and precision glide control can be achieved at the expense of agility and rapid clicks.
This mouse is ideal for games that require you to track targets…
…and doesn’t require you to flick the mouse around since the grip makes sudden micro adjustments more difficult.
The palm grip is mostly used by FPS players.
Fingertip Grip
In the fingertip grip or tip grip, only your fingers come into contact with the mouse.
The palm of your hand does not touch the mouse at all, leaving your hand elevated.
As you can flick the mouse around easily, this grip allows you to react faster…
…however, it is tricky when it comes to slow, gliding movements and consistency as it relies on wrist aiming.
In FPS games, this grip is difficult to master; therefore, it is mostly used by MOBA or MMO players.
Claw Grip
A grip that combines both the palm and fingertip grips…
…by having your two main fingers arched and positioned on the mouse buttons…
…while your palm is placed on the mouse edge.
It combines the dexterity of the fingertip grip with the precision of the palm grip.
Among the three grips, this one is best for making microadjustments.
Rapid clicking is also not an issue, but it is very tiring due to the high tension in both the wrist and arm.
This grip is used by both MOBA players and FPS players.
There are pros and cons to each grip, but it ultimately comes down…
…to a player’s personal preference and comfort level.
Consider your grip style when choosing a gaming mouse.
“Different grips can be more or less effective for different types of games, but it’s not a great idea to try and change your grip type intentionally. Simply use whatever grip feels right to you and lets you play well.”
Michael Crider – Technology Journalist
2. Sensors
In gaming mice, two types of sensors are used: laser and optical sensors.
Both lasers and optical sensors are technically optical sensors…
…but they operate on different principles and employ different tracking methods.
Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) sensors in modern computer mice…
…detect light and function like cameras.
CMOS sensors record thousands of images and compare them to detect if the mouse has moved.
In order for the cursor to move, the mouse tracks the movement image-by-image…
…and sends the data to the computer.
The following are the differences between optical and laser sensors:
Optical sensor
- A red light-emitting diode (LED) or infrared light is the light source of optical sensors.
- A mouse with an optical sensor can be used on almost any surface except highly reflective or glossy surfaces, such as glass. Because of this, the sensor becomes overwhelmed by reflected light and is unable to interpret the image/data.
- An older version of optical mice had their LEDs pointed straight down, resulting in a red beam projected onto the surface.An optical sensor projects the LED light from an angle, usually resulting in an infrared beam (unseen).
- On non-glossy surfaces, such as mousepads, gaming mice with optical sensors perform best.
Laser sensor
- As their name implies, laser sensors use an infrared laser as their light source. Infrared lasers are not powerful enough to cause eye damage, however, it is dangerous to stare at them for long periods of time.
- Laser sensors have a higher resolution than optical sensors, which gives them a higher sensitivity.
- Infrared lasers penetrate deeper into the surface texture than LEDs, allowing them to provide a more detailed image to the CMOS sensor than LEDs.
- Laser sensors can track mouse movement even on glossy surfaces or on glass.
By default, laser mice have high sensitivity (6,000 DPI and above).
On the other hand, the high accuracy of laser sensors could cause on-screen cursor jittering…
…depending on the surface you use it on.
Meanwhile, optical mice had a low sensitivity (3,200 DPI) before, but allowed accurate movement.
In recent years, advances in optical sensors have raised this limit to 16,000 and even 20,000 DPI.
Over the years, the price difference between laser mice and optical mice has decreased significantly.
3. Polling Rate
Polling rate is a measure of the responsiveness of your mouse, measured in Hertz.
The higher the DPI setting, the higher the polling rate you need.
The mouse and cursor would be inaccurately tracked if the poll rate could not keep up with the DPI setting.
Gaming mice typically poll at the following rates:
- 125Hz – Tracks every 8 ms, default on regular computer mice
- 200Hz – Tracks every 5ms
- 250Hz – Tracks every 4ms
- 333Hz – Tracks every 3ms
- 500Hz – Tracks every 2 ms
- 1000Hz – Tracks every 1ms
Many gaming mice have built-in buttons or downloadable software…
…that allows you to adjust the polling rate.
Despite the difference in 1ms between 500Hz and 1000Hz, it may not be noticeable.
Professional FPS players, however, prefer to use 1000Hz to avoid any potential latency issues.
It is important to remember that your computer can slow down…
…if your processor cannot handle the poll rate you are using.
To avoid this issue, you should either upgrade your processor…
…or find a middle ground between your typical DPI setting and polling rate.
AtomPalm Hydrogen currently has the highest polling rate at 8000Hz.
Keep reading…
4. DPI (Dots Per Inch)
A DPI is a measurement of spatial dot density, the number of dots or pixels in a one-inch line.
A dot is equal to one pixel on your monitor, so if you set your gaming mouse to 400 DPI…
…you will need to move it by four inches in order to travel 1600 pixels.
DPI (Dots Per Inch) is also known as CPI (Counts Per Inch).
A gaming mouse’s sensitivity can typically be adjusted by adjusting the DPI.
Some gaming mice have buttons to adjust DPI settings, while other brands require you to download software to do so.
DPI settings on a gaming mouse are typically as follows:
- 200 DPI
- 400 DPI
- 800 DPI
- 1200 DPI
- 1600 DPI
- 3200 DPI
Many new gaming mice have a much higher DPI, with some brands reaching 16000 DPI on optical mice.
At the moment, the highest DPI setting possible on the Tarios RGB gaming mouse is 24,000.
If you want to cover more pixels during fast mouse movements, a high DPI is an advantage.
FPS players and streamers usually prefer a DPI between 400 and 1200…
…while MOBA, RTS, and MMORPG players usually prefer 1200-3200.
When playing FPS games, it would be beneficial to adjust the DPI to suit your needs.
It is also useful to have a DPI greater than 3200 when using high-resolution monitors.
5. Wired or Wireless
Casual and professional gamers tend to use wired gaming mice.
Because wired mice have physical connections, input lag is minimized;
…however, advances in wireless technology have been able…
…to bring down latency to almost the same level as wired mice.
An average wired gaming mouse has a latency of 1-2ms, while a wireless mouse will have a latency of 2-3ms.
These measurements take into account interference between the mouse and the computer.
One example of improvements in wireless technology is the Corsair Harpoon RGB Wireless…
…which boasts 1ms latency when using its 2.4Ghz Slipstream Wireless technology.
Nowadays, most wireless gaming mice can be plugged into the computer…
…with a USB-C cord that provides a wired experience, which doubles as a battery charger.
The price difference between wired and wireless gaming mice has decreased over time…
…but wireless models are still relatively expensive.
6. Programmable Buttons
Modern gaming mice come with three extra buttons, one for on-the-fly adjusting the DPI setting…
…and two located at the thumb.
Typically, these buttons are used to switch between preset or customized profiles for a mouse.
Programmable buttons are very useful for MMO players but not very useful for FPS players.
It is considered detrimental to the performance of professional FPS players to accommodate the extra weight.
Logitech’s G600 MMO gaming mouse has the most programmable buttons with 20, topping Razer Naga’s 19 buttons.
Go on…
7. Size and Shape
First, you need to measure the size of your hand to determine the size of the gaming mouse you should buy.
You should select the right size based on the length and width of your hand.
When keeping your fingers together, measure the length from the base…
…of your palm to the tip of your middle finger, and the width from the end of your palm to the tip of your thumb.
Listed below is a guide to determining the size of gaming mouse you should get based on the length of your hand:
- Small mouse: under 17cm
- Medium mouse: 17 to 19cm
- Large mouse: 19cm and up
The mouse size you receive does not need to follow the values listed above.
Consider grip style, personal preference, and comfort when choosing a grip.
If you have large hands but prefer the fingertip grip, you can go for a medium-sized mouse.
The shape of the gaming mouse should also be compatible with your grip style, in addition to its size.
You should not buy an ergonomic mouse designed for palm grip use when your preferred grip is the fingertip grip.
Choosing the right size and shape of the mouse will greatly contribute to how comfortable you can hold it.
An ambidextrous shaped mouse is a good choice for gamers…
…who change their grip styles depending on the game they play…
…such as palm grip for FPS, fingertip grip for MOBA.
8. Weight
Mouse movement in games varies depending on what you play.
Depending on how much you play first-person shooters, you can choose a heavy or a lightweight mouse.
When playing FPS games like Sniper series, a heavy gaming mouse is helpful for tracking targets slowly and consistently.
When playing games like Call of Duty or CS:GO, a lightweight mouse is good…
…for making quick and sudden movements or adjustments.
In case you mostly play MMOs or Real-time Strategy (RTS) games like World of Warcraft or StarCraft…
…you might want to consider a gaming mouse with programmable buttons.
When using a gaming mouse with extra custom buttons, it will be easier to select…
…toggle, and assign macros, control groups, and alternative command keys.
The weight of a gaming mouse depends on its design and material.
In general, wired gaming mice weigh less than their wireless counterparts…
…as wireless mice need to accommodate batteries.
A gaming mouse’s weight is also increased by additional customizable buttons.
Listed below are the weight classes of gaming mice:
- Lightweight – Less than 90g
- Light-Middle – 91-110g
- Middle-Heavy – 111-130g
- Heavy – 130g and up
If you are looking for a multi-purpose gaming mouse…
…there are mice that have custom weights you can add or remove to adjust the mouse weight.
These include the Logitech G502 series, SteelSeries Rival 650, Logitech G903, and Corsair M65 Elite.
In order to reduce the weight of the mouse, some brands make use of a honeycomb design…
…such as the Glorious Model O (67g), Cooler Master MM710 (52g), and G Wolves Hati S (48g).
The weight of your mouse should also match your grip style.
Those who grip with their palms and claws can choose from light-middle to middle-heavy gaming mice…
…while those who grip with their fingers are advised to use a lightweight mouse to reduce wrist strain.
9. Materials and Durability
Many gaming mice are made with high-quality plastics,…
…while others are made with lightweight metals like aluminum.
ASUS ROG Spatha, for example, has a magnesium alloy chassis frame.
This results in a heavy gaming mouse (183g) that is incredibly durable.
There are two ways to improve the grip on gaming mice.
For example, SteelSeries and Corsair add textured rubber grips to the sides of their gaming mice.
Brands like BenQ and Roccat utilize anti-slip coatings to mitigate slippage caused by sweaty hands…
…but Razer and Logitech use both methods on their gaming mice.
If your hand gets sweaty or moist, do not buy a gaming mouse that is made of glossy plastic.
A mouse with an anti-slip coating, a matte finish frame, or a textured surface will help keep your fingers on the mouse.
10. The Cost
The price of a gaming mouse can range from $30 to $200 depending on the model and brand.
The following factors affect the price of a gaming mouse:
- Wireless capability – Using Bluetooth as a backup connection, high-end wireless mice offer very low latency performance.
- Rechargeability – Some wireless mice, such as the Logitech G502 Lightspeed and Razer Viper/Basilisk Ultimate, come with their own charging docks. A wireless charging mousepad is also available for the G502 Lightspeed.
- Sensor – High-end gaming mice utilize the latest optical and laser sensors which ensure maximum precision. Razer’s Focus+ optical sensor and SteelSeries’ TrueMove3+ dual optical sensor are two examples.
- Customizable buttons – MMO and MOBA gamers are particularly fond of customizable buttons, which add ease and versatility at a cost. For example, the Corsair Scimitar RGB Elite costs $170 on Amazon.
- Adjustable weights – Customized weights enable you to adjust the weight and balance of the mouse, but they also raise the price by a small percentage. For instance, consider Logitech’s G502 series mouse.
Lighting customization used to be one of the factors that raised the price of a gaming mouse, but it has gradually become part of most gaming mice. If your budget is limited, there are brands like Redragon that offer good quality gaming mice with customizable buttons and adjustable weights. There are also budget or entry-level gaming mice from Logitech, SteelSeries, and Corsair.
4 Top Gaming Mouse Picks on Work Rift
AULA RGB Gaming Mouse with Side Buttons Macro Programming

- Cool RGB Lighting Effect: You can turn on the RGB lighting effects on the mouse by long pressing the DPI button for 5 seconds.
- High Precision Tracking Adjustable DPI: Control your game (Easily toggle between 6 DPI sensitivity settings for more precise targeting. High-end optical engine, precision positioning, and maximum acceleration of 30g.)
- Comfortable Feel: The mouse has an ergonomic design, and every part has been carefully polished and carved.
- PC Gaming Compatibility: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, Limited Mac OS support Works well with all major Gaming Computers Brands and Gaming Laptops
- Ridged, Rubberized scroll wheel for maximum accuracy: Small, tactile bumps enhance grip and allow for smoother scrolling in high-stakes gaming situations
FORKA Silent Click USB Wired Gaming Mouse 6 Buttons

- The left and right keys are silent (the other keys are normal, you won’t annoy others when you are gaming or working at night).
- Colorful breathing light (if you don’t like it, you can close it by pressing DPI key and Side button (forward or backward together).
- Size:18*7*4cm (Ergonomics mouse)
- Netweight: about 140g
HXSJ J900 USB Wired Gaming Mouse RGB Gamer Mouses with

- 7 different RGB backlighting modes.
- It supports adjustable 800/1600/2400/3200/4800/6400DPI.
- During the game, the ergonomic design provides a comfortable hand feel, honeycomb hollow design avoids hot hands and palms.
- Powered by USB, plug and play, no drivers needed.
- Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Win7/Win8/Win10/Vista 32bit/iOS or newer.
Razer Viper Mini Gaming Mouse, 61g ULTRA- LIGHTWEIGHT

- 61g Ultra-lightweight Design – With an ambidextrous chassis, you can enjoy even faster swipes, while still remaining durable and solid. Recommended for gamers with small to medium hands.
- Razer™ Optical Mouse Switch – A light gaming mouse that uses an infrared light beam to register every click has an industry-leading response time of 0.2 milliseconds
- Razer Speedflex Cable – The Razer Viper Mini’s cable is flexible and designed to minimize drag, so you can swipe quicker and more fluidly for greater control
- 8500 DPI Optical Sensor – Featuring a sensor that flawlessly tracks your movements without causing spinouts, you can expect pixel-precise accuracy that’s sharp and responsive.
- 100% PTFE Mouse Feet – With mouse feet made from the purest, highest grade of PTFE-a material used to coat non-stick pans-you’ll glide across any surface with ease.
Sum Up!
A gaming mouse is a powerful tool when used properly.
A high-performance gaming mouse is worth both your time and your money.
Make a list of gaming mice you are considering buying and start shortlisting them.
You should try out your shortlisted options to get a feel…
…for how they fit your hand once you have whittled your options down.
If you are looking for a budget gaming mouse, make sure it is the right size…
…and shape for your hand while also being compatible with your grip style.
Budget gaming mice such as Cooler Master and Redragon are highly sensitive…
…offer adjustable DPI, and have good performance sensors.
It is important to find a gaming mouse that feels comfortable in your hand, fits your playstyle…
…lets you go all out, and delivers consistently and reliably.
There’s a balance between the right specs and your personal preferences (grip style and comfort).
By keeping all that in mind, you should be able to narrow down your search quite a bit.
Which kind of mouse are you looking for? What kind of grip do you prefer?
Is it important to have extra features like RGB lighting and on-device profiles, or will any software do?
The gaming mice market may seem big, but once you whittle it down…
…to the features that matter the most, you should be able to find the perfect one.