How to choose computer case? If you’re looking for a new computer case, then we have some helpful tips for you. These tips will help you find the best case for your needs and budget. We’ll explain what to look for in a computer case, and how to pick the right one. In this blog, we also have an article about segotep computer case full side transparent that you might want to read about it.
A computer case, also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit, or cabinet, is the enclosure that contains most of the components of a personal computer.
PC Case
Computer case is an essential part of a computer. It helps in holding the motherboard, CPU, and other components of the computer. It also helps in cooling the system, keeps the system safe from shocks and dust, protects the computer from electromagnetic interference and noise, and allows for easy access to all internal components.
Computer cases come in different sizes and shapes depending on your preference. Some computer cases are designed to fit in specific spaces or positions while others are designed to be portable. The materials used in making computer cases can vary including metal, plastic, wood, leather, carbon fiber, etc. They come with their own merits and demerits. In this article we will discuss some of the common types of computer cases that you see around.
The computer case serves mainly as a way to physically mount and contain all the actual components inside a computer, like the motherboard, hard drive, optical drive, floppy disk drive, etc. They typically come bundled with a power supply.”
Tim Fisher, author from
How To Choose Computer Case
So, how to choose computer case? If you are looking to build a custom PC, you might want to check out our guide on building a custom PC. There are many factors that you should consider before choosing a new computer case. We will now look at those factors.
- Size: If you plan on keeping your computer for several years to come, you should take into consideration how long you intend to keep it. Will you only use it for work purposes or will you be gaming too? As mentioned earlier, there are various sizes of computer cases available. Make sure to choose something big enough and spacious enough for what you plan to use it for.
- Durability: Most of us don’t want to spend thousands of dollars just to realize that it got damaged within months. Therefore, always check whether or not the product’s durability meets your expectations. There are two ways to ensure that a particular case is durable. First, try using the product yourself for a few weeks. Second, browse through reviews online and find out how well the product fared after being tested by users. Also, check whether the manufacturer offers any warranty for the product.
- Portability: How often do you move? Do you travel overseas frequently? If yes, then you should definitely consider portable cases. Portable cases can help you carry your computer anywhere without having to worry about damage. It makes sense to invest in a lightweight and durable case.
- Security: Are you planning to store sensitive information on your computer? Then you might want to opt for a security system. They protect your data from theft and damage. Some of the features include fingerprint scanners and cameras. While some systems even provide biometric access control.
Types Of Computer Cases
The most popular type of computer case is the tower type which comes in various sizes and designs. This design is mostly suitable for desktop computers as they are not very flexible and heavy. The main benefit of using this type of case lies in its size. For example, if you have a small desk then you may want to buy one which has large space inside so it does not occupy much floor area. These cases tend to cost more than the others due to the fact that they need extra hardware like fans and power supply units. A good example of such a case would be the Antec Solo series.
A smaller version of the tower case is called the ATX case. This case is usually thinner than the tower case but has similar functionality. Due to its compactness, ATX cases are better suited for laptops. Laptop towers tend to be bulkier than ATX cases. If you want to go for a laptop case, make sure to get one with a larger capacity so that you do not run out of space quickly. You may want to consider buying a modular ATX chassis instead of a full ATX case. Modular ATX chassis allow you to expand the capacity of the case by adding modules onto them. Here, each module contains certain hardware elements like hard drives, optical drives, memory, etc.
Yet another popular design is the mid-tower case. Mid-towers are slightly bigger than ATX cases. Many people prefer these cases because they offer plenty of room for expansion cards, graphics card, and storage devices. Mid-towers tend to use less space when compared to ATX cases. However, they are heavier than ATX cases. One of the best examples of a mid-tower case is the Corsair Obsidian Series.
How To Measure Case Fans?
For those who are interested in knowing how to measure fan RPMs or case fans, here’s a quick guide. All the measurements given below are based upon the assumption that the fans spin at 12 V . Also, note that the measurement unit for RPM is revolutions per minute.
You can find most of the information about fans online. Read the reviews carefully and take note of things like the number of blades, the speed rating, and whether the fan is positive or negative pressure. Once you know what kind of fan you need, look up the specifications. Most vendors provide detailed specs for their products. Even though there are a lot of ways to measure a fan, I suggest measuring at both low and high speeds.
In addition, you should check the airflow rate. Low airflow rates can cause overheating. High airflow rates can cause overcooling. While checking the airflow rate, keep in mind that the direction of the exhaust air flow matters as well. Try to find a fan where the exhaust air blows away from the case. That way, you will avoid having hot air enter through vents.