Healthy Headphone Use for Kids – 2 Amazing Tips to Keep Your Kids’ Ear Healthy

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Healthy headphone use for kids is important. Because hearing loss is irreversible…

…we must protect our hearing throughout our lives. This is why there are noise exposure limits…

…and recommendations in the workplace, which inform workers when to use earplugs or ear defenders.

Hearing loss in youngsters, on the other hand, may be on the rise.

Last year, we were both involved in a study that looked at the hearing of more than 3.3 million children…

…from 39 nations over a 20-year span. We discovered that by the age of 18, roughly 13% of children…

…had quantifiable hearing loss, which could affect their ability to decipher essential speech sounds.

Hearing loss in children is on the rise, according to the study, but we don’t know why.

There haven’t been many studies that look into whether or not wearing headphones…

…causes hearing loss in children. However, in a study of 9-11-year-old Dutch children…

…over 40% reported using portable music devices with headphones…

…despite the fact that 14% showed detectable hearing loss. Could the use of headphones be a factor?

It’s possible, but we don’t know for sure, and additional research is needed.

This is Darel’s concern…

This is one of my concerns as a parent. Raising babies and young children nowadays…

…means being surrounded by technology. This can be a wonderful thing.

From high-tech baby monitors to instructional apps, technology has a lot of advantages.

However, it can often feel as though there is too much technology available…

…and that some of it may be damaging to our child.

Hearing loss may be caused by a number of factors, including: genetics, ageing, exposure to noise, some infections, birth complications, trauma to the ear, and certain medications or toxins

Hearing loss according to Wikipedia

Noise-canceling Headphone on Work Rift

Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless

Noise-canceling Headphones



  • Energetic, rhythmic presentation
  • Convenient usability features
  • Effective noise cancellation


  • Average battery life

Sennheiser Momentum Wireless headphones are another excellent alternative.

The third-generation Momentum Wireless cans follow in the footsteps of two previous models…

…and this new pair continues the trend. The finish is still excellent, with oval-shaped earcups…

…sheepskin leather earpads, and stainless steel sliders. The on-ear controls have been enhanced…

…allowing you greater control over your music.

They’re available in all-black or’sandy white,’ with a’sandy white’ model on the way.

Because these headphones fold up, they are great for commuting or traveling.

In addition to aptX, AAC, and SBC Bluetooth, the Momentum Wireless supports aptX Low Latency…

…which seeks to improve audio and video content synchronisation.

Crucially, they sound substantially better than their predecessors, promising an exciting…

…current, and tremendously perceptive listen that you can’t help but enjoy.

That sonic success is backed up by improved usability features as well…

…albeit keep in mind that battery life is only 17 hours compared to Sony’s 30-hour claim.

How do We Know Whether Our Children’s Hearing is Being Affected?

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Adults usually discover a hearing problem when they have trouble hearing higher-pitched sounds clearly.

Sounds may appear muffled, ears may feel “blocked,” or tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing sound) may be heard.

Children, unlike adults, will not always know how to describe these symptoms.

Instead, they might say things like “a bee buzzing,” “a whistling,” or “the wind blowing.”

Any reported ear symptom should be taken seriously, and parents should have their child’s hearing examined.

Although this will depend on your area, it is preferable to visit a hearing clinic first, followed by a GP if necessary.

Excessive Noise Damages Hearing

Tiny hair cells in our inner ear (cochlea) convert sounds we perceive into electrical messages for our brain.

These hair cells, like the keys on a piano, are highly tuned and responsible for varied tones of sound.

Loud noise can harm these hair cells, as well as the nerve connecting the cochlea and the brain.

Excessive loud exposure over time might cause permanent hearing damage.

Unfortunately, some irreversible damage has already occurred by the time someone has hearing problems.

What Should We do to Protect Kids’ Hearing?

The risk of hearing loss is proportional to the volume and duration of sound exposure.

Limiting both can assist to lower the chance of hearing loss.

Here we go…

Healthy Headphone Use for Kids: Limiting Loudness

healthy headphone use for kids


The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels (dB). It’s worth noting, though…

…that the dB scale is logarithmic, not linear. That means a 110dB sound (like a chainsaw)…

…is significantly louder than a 100dB sound. Free sound meter apps can be downloaded…

…by parents to assist them comprehend the volume of various environments and activities.

Monitoring the volume of their children’s headphones is a more difficult duty for parents.

Some headphones allow sound to leak out, while others keep it in the ear.

So, whereas a youngster wearing “leaky” headphones at a safe volume may appear…

…to be listening to noises that are excessively loud, a child wearing tightly sealed headphones…

…may be listening to potentially harmful levels without ever realizing it.

Parents can learn about their child’s precise usage by:

  • listen to their child’s headphones to get a sense of how loud noises can get. Check to determine if children can hear you speak at a typical volume from an arm’s length away, even if the headphones are on. If they can, they’re more likely to wear headphones at a safe volume.
  • There are headphones built specifically for youngsters that limit the maximum volume to 85 decibels. While having a limit is beneficial, listening to 85dB sounds all day is not without risk.
  • Noise-cancelling headphones are also an option, though they are more expensive. Because outside noise is reduced, youngsters should be able to lower their headphone volume.

Next Healthy Headphone Use for Kids….

Healthy Headphone Use for Kids: Managing duration

We should also keep track of the amount of time we are exposed to sound.

Everyday conversation is approximately 60dB, thus no matter how long you’re exposed…

…t won’t be a problem. However, we can be exposed to an 85dB sound (such a garbage truck)…

…for up to 8 hours at a time, according to rules. The sound energy is doubled when the volume…

…is increased by just 3 decibels to 88dB, and the recommended exposure time is reduced to just 4 hours.

Operating a chainsaw at 110dB would be limited to around one minute before causing harm.

Noise exposure builds up over time. Other sources of noise in the child’s environment…

…can also contribute to the noise. Consider a child’s day-to-day activities. Parents should make an effort to

Sum up

Of course, parents should follow their own advice! Modeling proper usage of headphones…

…and an appreciation for the pleasure of being able to hear well into adulthood is critical.

Hearing difficulties are commonly mislabeled by children, but they should be taken seriously by parents.

It’s possible that their ears are obstructed, or that they’re hearing buzzing or whistling noises.

In most cities, hearing clinics are available, and GPs can also test for hearing loss.


And, that is all for healthy headphone use for kids

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